Tastebite Recipes App - Web application

React app with the ability to create accounts and manage custom recipes (CRUD). Auth and database from Google Firebase.

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  • Firebase - backend by Google, app development platform that helps you build and grow apps.
  • Flowbite - an open-source library of UI components based on the utility-first Tailwind CSS framework featuring dark mode support, a Figma design system, and more.
  • Formik - the world's most popular open source form library for React and React Native.
  • Heroicons - beautiful hand-crafted SVG icons, by the makers of Tailwind CSS.
  • React Router - a standard library for routing in React.
  • React Query - powerful asynchronous state management for TS/JS, React, Solid, Vue and Svelte.
  • Vite - a new breed of frontend build tooling that significantly improves the frontend development experience.
  • Zod - TypeScript-first schema validation with static type inference.


  • created with React (Vite) and TypeScript
  • CRUD - the ability to manage accounts and recipes
  • data stored on Cloud Firestore
  • data fetching and caching with Tanstack React Query
  • authentication through Firebase Authentication
  • context and reducer for managing context values
  • suspense for data fetching with lazy loading
  • Error Boundary component to catch errors in child components
  • storing data in local storage using a custom hook
  • routing with React Router
  • forms created with the Formik
  • form validation and sanitization (Zod)
  • styling with Tailwind CSS and Flowbite components
  • responsive website design
  • light/dark mode prefers the system color scheme
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