
What's up!

Szymon Dudka

Frontend Developer

About me

I implement responsive and user-friendly interfaces and API-based applications. I'm constantly gaining new knowledge by creating and improving projects which help me practice my skills. My goal is work in a team that specializes in commercial projects. This would give me a chance to further improve my skills and gain valuable experience.

Education & Courses

  • PWSZ (Akademia Nauk Stosowanych), Nowy Sącz

    Sep 2018 - Jun 2022

    I learned the basics of programming and object-oriented programming. I learned algorithms, data structures, and statistics. I learned about operating systems, I worked with Linux Fedora. I created the first web applications. I created group projects in short meetings (sprints). I learned about relational databases and created projects based on MySQL. I learned about computer networks, computer graphics, and the basics of cryptography.

  • HTML

    Jul 2022 - Present

    I have deepened my knowledge of HTML. I know semantic HTML. I am learning web accessibility. I use the WAVE plugin.

  • CSS

    Jul 2022 - Present

    I have deepened my knowledge of CSS. I know units, I can create variables, position elements, create layouts, and animations, and I know typography. I know RWD, BEM namespaces, and different ways of styling. I use popular utility-first frameworks like Bootstrap and Tailwind. I use the SASS preprocessor. I know libraries with prebuilt components like styled-components, MUI, or Ant Design, and compile CSS with JS using PostCSS.

  • JavaScript

    Jul 2022 - Present

    I am learning Javascript all the time. I know the types and scopes of variables, hoisting, data types, and data structures. I know loops and conditionals, exception handling, operators, function types, and contexts they create. I also know the function and object paradigm. I know asynchronous Javascript, event loop, REST API, and HTTP protocol. I can manipulate the DOM. I know common array operations.

  • React.js

    Sep 2022 - Present

    I have taken a React course, I know components, Webpack, Vite, JSX, and popular hooks (useState, useEffect, useContext, useReducer, useRef). I can pass values via props, I know HOC, portals, suspense, lazy loading, and error boundaries components.

  • Next.js

    Nov 2022 - Present

    I can create statically generated and server-side generated pages. I know the tools that the framework offers and I also know Next.js v13 in beta (app instead of pages).

  • TypeScript

    Nov 2022 - Present

    I use TypeScript in every project, I know how to type data (types, interfaces, enums) and use Intellisense to detect errors and search the web for answers.

  • Optimization

    Dec 2022 - Present

    I can use development tools to investigate optimization. I use Google PageSpeed and Lighthouse for identifying performance and SEO. I compress images using Photoshop. I use throttling and debouncing functions. I know the best practices for optimizing animations.

  • Freelancer Course

    Jan 2023


  • JavaScript | TypeScript | React.js | Next.js | Vite
  • Redux | Reducer | Context | Hooks | NPM | Yarn
  • React Router | React Query | Pixel Perfect
  • Formik | Yup | Zod
  • HTML (semantic) | CSS | RWD | BEM | REST API
  • SASS | Tailwind | Bootstrap | Styled-Components
  • MySQL | Firebase | Sanity CMS | Strapi CMS
  • Git | GitHub
  • VSCode | Figma | Adobe Photoshop

Hobby / Interest

  • Travel | Gaming | Web Design | Technology
  • Aircraft | Photography | Football